Be careful not to force the stretches of the neck.
Be careful not to recruit unnecessary muscles when rotating shoulders.
Many of these include the use of shoulders also.
22 & 24 Turn head toward the shoulder for added stretch.
35 & 36 Do not shift weight for these.
W. This is a yin movement. The one we usually do is a yang movement.
43- Lean forward as you shift from side to side.
46- You may want to for short periods of time until the last one.
48 - Keep the head in line with the shoulders.
57 - Start these in a wide stance, keep the knees bent.
63 - To include stretch of the front of the body, extend arms over head, look
up, and lean back as you drop the knee toward the floor. |
- Turn head left.
- Turn head right.
- Tilt head back.
- Tilt head forward.
- Tilt head right.
- Tilt head left.
- Swing head to look left.
- Swing head to look right.
- Rotate head right.
- Rotate head left.
- Rotate forward.
- Rotate backward.
- Press back of hands together in front.
- Attempt to press back of hands together in back.
- Swim backward
- Rotate right arm backward - twisting waist
- Rotate right arm backward - without twisting waist.
- Rotate left arm backward - twisting waist.
- Rotate left arm backward - without twisting waist.
- Repeat 16 through 19, rotating forward.
- Rotate right arm in front - counter clockwise.
- Stretch right arm across chest.
- Rotate left arm in front - clockwise.
- Stretch right arm across chest.
- Radial arm twist (Right) - Fingers to front, palm up
- Radial arm twist (Left) - Fingers to front, palm up
- Radial arm twists to the side - Both arms together
- Radial arm twists to the front - Both arms together
- Radial arm twists above head
- Swing both arms front to back
- Stretch with both arms above the head
- Lock hands behind back, bend forward and stretch arms above head
- Repeat 31 and 32 three times
- Spinal Breathing + Press palms forward
- Spin
- Spin (arms up)
- Shift/Spin to 7 star stance
- Fist rubbing kidneys (49 times)
- Seven star stance, right - rub leg muscles
- Seven star stance - stretch right
- Seven star stance, left - rub leg muscles
- Seven star stance - stretch left
Hanging Monkey
- Lean left - (hands on hips)
- Lean right
- Lean back - keep knees bent
- Hanging monkey
- Repeat 43 through 46 (4 times)
- Lean left - (right arm over head, left arm behind back)
- Lean right
- Lean back - (hands on hips)
- Rotate clockwise - (Hands on hips)
- Rotate counter-clockwise
- Rotate both directions again with arms out in front
- Rotate clockwise - (Hands on knees)
- Rotate counter-clockwise
- Golden Cock stance on right foot - Rotate dangling foot (both directions)
- Tilt pelvis left, back, tight, front
- Repeat with rounded movements
- Repeat A and B in other direction
- Bend left leg, lean right
- Bend right leg, lean left
- Bend left leg, toe out. Rotate right hip counter-clockwise
- Drop right knee to stretch thigh
- Repeat 62 and 63 to the other side.
- Stand up and shake legs.